Header of the Lynx Launcher website

Frequently Asked Questions

It seems that there was a problem with your purchase, therefore the Pro-Version was not unlocked. Please try the steps described here:
Problems with in-app purchases

Payment is still pending

It is possible that the payment is still pendig, e.g. due to a slow credit card approval. In this case please wait until your payment is processed.

Payment was cancelded

If the payment did not went through and was canceled you will have to try again to buy the Pro-Version. If any money had been debited from you for the canceled purchase, it will be refunded automatically. To found out why your purchase was canceled, you can visit: Fix payment issues on your account

Verification is pending

Any purchase that is made in Lynx Launcher has to be verified on an external server before the Pro-Version is unlocked. Please make sure that you are connected to the internet, to be able to reach the server. In some rare cases it is possible that the Server is not available, in this case please wait for a short time and try to verify the purchase again from the settings.

If you are still unable to unlock the Pro-Version, please contact support@lynxlauncher.de with your Purchase ID so the problem can be investigated.
No, you do not have to buy the Pro-Version of Lynx Launcher again!
The Pro-Version can be used indefinitely on as many devices as you want, as long as you are logged in with the same Google Play account.

So, what is the problem?

Most of the time this problem occurs when you use more than one Google Play account on the same device. Every in-app-purchase is linked to a single account. If Lynx Launcher is installed or updated when the other account is active, it can happen in rare cases that it will be linked to this account and will not see your purchase.
You can perform the following steps to try to solve the problem:

1. Make sure you can see your purchase in your active Google Play account:

To do this you can take a look at your order history.
If you don't see the purchase in your active account continue with step 2. If you see the purchase go to step 4.

2. Make sure Lynx Launcher is linked to the correct Google Play account:

  1. Sign in with the account you used to purchase the Pro-Version of Lynx Launcher.
  2. Clear the cache of the Google Play app.
  3. Restart your device.
  4. Ensure that you see your purchase in the Google Play account that is now active.
  5. Check if you have access to the Pro-Version in Lynx Launcher.
If you still cannot use the Pro-Version, continue with step 3.

3. Remove second Google Play account

If all the above options did not work, try to remove the Google Play account that does not have the purchase of the Pro-Version of Lynx Launcher and restart your device afterwards.

Attention: This will delete data that is linked to your secondary account including contacts and messages.

4. Restart your device

Sometimes rebooting the device or restarting the app can already solve the problem.

5. Clear the app data of Lynx Launcher

If none of the above methods worked, it might be that some of the data of Lynx Launcher has been corrupted. In this case you can try to delete all data from Lynx Launcher.
To delete all data go to the Lynx Launcher settings in your device ➜ Storage & Cache ➜ Clear storage

Attention: This will delete all data from Lynx Launcher and it will start as it was just installed. Before you delete the data create a backup to restore your launcher to its previous state.

If you are still unable to unlock the Pro-Version, please contact support@lynxlauncher.de with your Purchase ID so the problem can be investigated.
Many smartphone vendors use very agressive battery saving strategies that stop Lynx Launcher from receiving updates about notifications after some time.

As a short remedy you can reload the notifications from the settings. To solve the problem however, you have to whitelist Lynx Launcher from the Battery saving of your phone. See your devices manual to see how to do that.

You can also visit www.dontkillmyapp.com to see which devices are affected by this problem and find possible solutions.
New pages to the Desktop can only be added when you have the Pro-Version of Lynx Launcher.
The pages are added and removed dynamically. Empty pages of the desktop are removed automatically.

But how can I create a new page?

Because of the dynamic management of the pages you can only create a new desktop page, when you have at least one other element on the desktop so that it will not be left empty.
  1. Start a drag and drop operation for one of the elements on the desktop.
  2. If you can create a new desktop a white border will appear at the left (or right) border of the screen.
  3. Move the element to the border until it moves towards the center of the page a bit.
  4. Keep the element a short time above the border.
  5. After a short time a new desktop will be created and the desktop scrolls to the new page.
If you found a bug, please contact the support support@lynxlauncher.de or join the Discord community and describe the bug you found with as much details as possible.
  • What happened?
  • What correct behaviour do you expect?
  • What did you do in the Launcher when you found the bug?
  • How can the error be reproduced?
If relevant you can also attach a screenshot or backup file to your bug report to help to find the bug. The more details you provide the more likely it will be that the bug can be found and fixed.
You see this warning, because the "At Night" setting for the dark mode needs your current location to calculate when sunset and sunrise will be. When you are not travelling and your location does not change significantly, you can ignore this warning once this app received your location at least once. When you travel and your location is not updated, it is likely that this App switches between dark mode and light mode too early or too late.
Feel free to write an email to support@lynxlauncher.de or join the Discord community and tell me what you would like to see in the Launcher.

But, before you do that, please take a look at the Roadmap to see if the feature is already planned. Please keep in mind that this app is developed by a single person and there is no guarantee that your idea will be added.
There is no estimation when the next update will be released. As this App is developed by one person in their freetime, there will be no predictions about the next update. There will be regular updates though to fix bugs and improve the user experience.
Yes you can! You can go the the GitHub page and take a look at the Example Theme.
You need to install Android Studio to be able to create a new theme.

For questions and discussions about theme creation, you can join the Discord community.
Currently Lynx Launcher is available in 70 countries and regions. Although N116 Soft wants to make Lynx Launcher available in all countries, doing so is not feasible in all cases. The main reason for not being available in a country are the local VAT regulations for digital goods. For many countries, e.g. the whole EU, Google is responsible to declare, collect and pay the VAT on behalf of the developer. If this is not the case it is often too time-consuming or difficult to take care of the local VAT regularions as an independent developer. Declaring, collecting and paying the VAT for 50+ countries on a monthly basis is simply not possible for just one person.

Furthermore, Lynx Launcher is currently not available in Russia and Belarus due to the invasion of Ukraine. This conflict resulted in a disruption of the Google Play payment system in Russia and Belarus. Due to the expected overhead for support/requests and the potential for bad user reviews, it has been decided to remove Lynx Launcher from both markets.
No, this is currently not possible.

If Lynx Launcher is downloaded from Google Play, it is prohibited by the contract between Google and the Developer to provide other means to pay for the Pro-Version. Unfortunately the Pro-Version can also not be bought when Lynx Launcher is not downloaded from other sources. The main reason for this is the additional overhead to declare and collect the VAT for every customer an pay said VAT in their respective country. Doing this for potentially 50+ countries on a monthly bases is simply not possible for just one person.

It was planned to allow users who have bought the Pro-Version via Google Play to also unlock this version on devices that do not have the google services installed. However, this procedure proved to be more difficult to implement than anticipated and is therefore not available at the moment.
On some devices and/or Android versions, the system does not let a user uninstall an app if certain conditions are met. For Lynx Launcher (and other launchers) these conditions can be met when the app is set as default launcher and has the permission to change the system settings.

To uninstall Lynx Launcher, set the default launcher to another launcher (e.g. the stock launcher) and reset all normal and special permissions of the launcher including the permission to change the system settings and access the acessibility services. Afterwards uninstalling the app should be possible.